Patrick Kibe
Institutional Development & PFM ExpertPatrick Kibe
Institutional Development & PFM Expert As CEO, Patrick ensures that Inscap successfully fuses conventional organizational, governance, and strategic performance standards with a contemporary view of the modern public sector and international development context.
A former Senior Manager at KPMG East Africa’s Development Advisory Services Division, Patrick has over 22-years of experience supporting public sector and international development agencies, international NGOs, and private foundations in program strategy and design; institutional capacity & development; Public Financial Management (PFM) and risk management strategy.
His recent experience includes designing funds disbursement mechanisms for DANIDA and the Embassy of Finland for ODA support to Kenya, as well as conducting PFM capacity development support for 47 county treasury and county health departments,
and an institutional assessment on behalf of the Gates Foundation.
Hannah Kamau
M&E/Institutional Development ExpertHannah Kamau
M&E/Institutional Development Expert MSc. Housing Administration, Certificate in Monitoring & Evaluation
A top-ranked Monitoring, Evaluation, Learning, and Accountability (MEAL) specialist with over 20-years local and international experience with leading NGOs, Hannah is a former Africa Region MEAL Director for Pact Inc. responsible for providing strategic direction and serving as a Governance & Peer Learning Specialist for over 14 countries in Africa.
Her recent client experience includes developing a monitoring and evaluation framework for DFID, the Kenya Climate Innovation Center, an Infodev-funded program, and the State University of New York, Center for International Development.
Dr. Ronald O. Ng’iela
Public Health ExpertDr. Ronald O. Ng’iela
Public Health Expert Msc. Public Health
Ronald is an experienced Public Health Specialist and Clinician with more than 15-years of technical assistance (TA) capacity-building expertise focusing on effective country health care management systems in underserved Sub-Saharan African countries.
Dr. Ng’iela’s experience includes offering technical supportive supervision to health teams in provinces and districts, and support in logistics, training, operational research, and implementation of community TB. He has authored and presented over twenty papers at international conferences.
Pius Ndungu
PFM ExpertPius Ndungu
PFM Expert An experienced accountant with over 15 years of financial and audit experience with leading donor-funded organizations and projects such as the UNDP, UNICEF, Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA), DFID, DANIDA, Embassy of Finland Kenya, World Agroforestry Centre (ICRAF), Save the Children, CARE, etc.